
Displaying 181-190 of 419 results.
Title: Int'l Trade Show for Aquaculture and Fisheries in Cambodia
Fair time: September 05-07, 2018, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Introduce: Show name: Aqua Fisheries Cambodia 2018 - The biggest international show for Aquaculture and Fisheries in Cambodia! Date: 14 ?C 15 Novemeber, 2018 Opening hours 9.00 am ?C 5.00 pm Place: Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Net Space 2000 sqm Website http://myanmar-aquafisheries.com/ Estimated Exhibitors: 100(From Germany, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Japan, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, USA, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Australia, Korea, Thailand, Bangladesh, Pakistan??) Estimated Visitors 2500 Trade and Professional Visitors
Title: The Nicest ICT Event of the Year
Fair time: December 12, 2018, Maarssen, Netherlands
Title: Int'l Trade Fair for Savoury Snacks and Nuts
Fair time: June 27-28, 2019, Barcelona, Spain
Introduce: Snackex (Int'l Trade Fair for Savoury Snacks and Nuts) takes place in Barcelona, Spain from 27.06 to 28.06.19.
Title: World's largest FPD Exhibition and Conference
Fair time: December 05-07, 2018, Chiba/Tokyo, Japan
Introduce: Finetech Japan (World's largest FPD Exhibition and Conference) takes place in Chiba/Tokyo, Japan from 05.12 to 07.12.18 at Makuhari Messe.
Title: Online Retail Distribution Conference and Expo
Fair time: September 20-21, 2018, Bangkok, Thailand
Introduce: LAST MILE ASEAN (LMA) Conference and Expo 2018, Powered by e-commerce Logistics Show is the only dedicated fulfillment event covering supply Chain, operations, e-commerce, logistics, parcel and delivery for multichannel retail industry. The event will immerse you in 2 days of inspiration, learning and networking with over 150 industry experts from leading e-Commerce, retail, postal operators, courier & express companies and fulfillment & logistics companies to debate current issues and form business relationships on a global scale. The free-to-attend LAST MILE ASEAN Exhibition will provide an excellent opportunity to get a first-hand look at new services, innovations and technology that can help transform & develop your business.
Title: 2017年第33届希腊国际旅游展览会
Fair time:
Introduce: 二、展品范围 旅行社、旅游承包商、线上旅行社、旅游产品、酒店,国家农场、度假村和露营产品、旅游媒体、航空公司、邮轮/游艇公司、汽车租赁、旅游巴士、专列、机场与机场服务公司、货车营运、艺术与文化遗产中心、旅游目的地及旅游胜地、会议与展览中心、信用卡与设施供应商、文化中心、高尔夫球场、度假营地、酒店与特色餐厅、商务与奖励旅游公司、酒吧与娱乐休闲场所、旅游者协会、旅游学校、剧院及博物馆、温泉与海滩度假村等。 三、展会简介 希腊国际旅游展是欧洲最受欢迎的国际综合性旅游业年度盛会,每年在希腊古城萨洛尼卡举行。2016年展会展览面积超过10000平方米,展商数403家,来自16个国家的参展商参展,同期举行的酒店用品展吸引了来自24个国家,218家展商参展,这是过去5年中展商数最多的一次。是旅游业各大机构、专家、决策者、专业买家的理想平台。 四、市场分析 希腊位于欧洲巴尔干半岛最南端。北同保加利亚、马其顿、阿尔巴尼亚相邻,东北与土耳其的欧洲部分接壤,西南濒爱奥尼亚海,东临爱琴海,南隔地中海与非洲大陆相望。海岸线长约15021公里,领海宽度为6海里。希腊国土面积131957平方公里,其中15%为岛屿。 首都雅典是世界历史名城,城内的雅典卫城的帕提农神庙是西方文化的象征。雅典位于阿提卡盆地的南部,东西北三面环山,南面是萨洛尼科斯海湾。雅典是希腊的经济、财政、工业、政治和文化中心,也是欧盟商业中心之一,城市的面积为39平方公里,加上郊区为412平方公里。雅典常住人口约为400万,约占全国人口三分之一。雅典是希腊最重要的经济中心,全国53%的工业集中于此。 塞萨洛尼基(又称萨洛尼卡)是希腊第二大城市、北方工业重镇,人口约为100万。萨洛尼卡是整个巴尔干地区的经济贸易中心,其国内生产总值约占全国的30%。 众所周知希腊是欧洲文明古国,古希腊的政治、文化对世界文明有重大影响,自然风光多样迷人。因此,旅游资源丰富,旅游业包括其硬件设施、人员素质、运作模式均趋于成熟稳定,是世界闻名的旅游胜地。近年来,希腊游客入境数量呈阶梯式增长,2015年,希腊旅游业接待国外游客人数达到2360万人次;到2016年的这一数字再上一个台阶,到访该国的游客人数达到了2480万人次,按年增长了5.1%。对于2017年希腊旅游业的情况,Dimitris Tryfonopoulos表示乐观,并预计将有超过3000万旅客到访该国。<br> 参展联系邮箱: [email protected]
Title: Event for Laboratory Industry in Myanmar
Fair time: September 05-07, 2018, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Introduce: Cambodia Lab Expo (Event for Laboratory Industry in Myanmar) takes place in Phnom Penh, Cambodia from 05.09 to 07.09.18. Trade show is organized by VEAS Co., Ltd..
Title: Indonesia Int'l Exhibition for Building Mechanical and Electrical, Technology System, Facility, and Services
Fair time: July 11-13, 2018, Jakarta, Indonesia
Introduce: IBME (Indonesia Int'l Exhibition for Building Mechanical and Electrical, Technology System, Facility, and Services) takes place in Jakarta, Indonesia from 11.07 to 13.07.18 at Jakarta International Expo.
Title: Indonesia Lift and Escalator Expo
Fair time: July 11-13, 2018, Jakarta, Indonesia
Introduce: ILEE (Indonesia Lift and Escalator Expo) takes place in Jakarta, Indonesia from 11.07 to 13.07.18 at Jakarta International Expo.
website: http://www.ina-liftescalator.com/
Title: The Canadian Roofing Exposition
Fair time: April 16-17, 2019, Montreal, Canada
Introduce: ROOFTech (The Canadian Roofing Exposition) takes place in Montreal, Canada from 16.04 to 17.04.19 at Palais des congr??s de Montr??al.
website: http://www.rooftech.ca/